BLUBC Education Consulting



About Us / 关于我们

About Us


  • BLUBC is a company that focuses on providing clients with premium educational consulting services. 
  • We are distinguished by the team we've assembled — a dedicated, talented and passionate group. 
  • We are committed to providing the highest level of academic planning support to our students, which can help more students get into their dream universities. 
  • Our philosophy is to instill in students a genuine passion for learning, improve these soft skills and internal motivation.
  • We achieve this by providing excellent consultant who are themselves passionate about their consulting jobs and who can serve as mentors role models for our students.

What We Offer


  • We offer ongoing and individualized U.S. college counselling for grades 8 to 12. Our year-round program includes one-on-one sessions with attentive and talented Ivy League graduates who provide comprehensive feedback on students’ academic, personal and extracurricular performance. Students are given a personalized reading list and custom course plan to assist them with high school course selection, post-secondary research and career exploration. 
  •  Under the guidance of consultants, students take their present challenges as opportunities to cultivate soft skills and construct a strategy to meet academic and personal goals. We lay the groundwork for success in high school, in college, and beyond. 



  • BLUBC坚信每个孩子都拥有其独特的天赋与才能。只要配合适当的教育和引导,并培养孩子们树立明确的目标和参加系统有效的训练以及丰富多彩的课外活动,最终他们都能变得“宇众不同”。
  • BLUBC致力于多方面挖掘每个学生的潜能并且为他们制定一站式个性化教育规划方案,帮助家长更好地了解和鼓励孩子,协助孩子发现自我,设立目标,勇敢尝试并在最后实现自己的梦想。
  • 在BLUBC,每个孩子都能获得有针对性的教育规划建议,帮助他们利用全方位的北美优秀教育资源达成目标。
  • 博采众长,宇众不同!

Our Departments

EICI & Communication

  • Emotional Intelligence 
  • Mindset
  • Internal motivation 
  • 15 soft skills 


  • Private Schools
  • Canada Colleges
  • US Colleges
  • UK Colleges
  • Master Application 

Life Coach

  • Confidence
  • Self Worth & Self Esteem
  • Time Management
  • Self improvement
  • Connection Parenting


Contact Us

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Better yet, see us in person!

We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.


Open today

10:00 a.m. – 08:30 p.m.